You are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Organizing Committee for presenting at the 2025 APICA congress and the 39th CSAS meeting.

l  Abstracts are invited for Oral or Poster presentations. Although author preferences for the presentation category (Oral or Poster) will be taken into consideration, the final presentation format will be made at the discretion of the Scientific Committee.

l  All abstract submissions must be made through the abstract portal by 30 April 2025.

l  If your abstract is accepted following review, you must also register to attend the conference in person.

l  Accepted abstracts (Oral and Poster) will be published as congress proceedings in Chinese journal of the clinical anatomy, the official journal of the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences.

l  Abstracts previously published or presented at a comparable international conference to the APICA and CSAS meeting will be rejected.

l  Notice of acceptance will be sent to submission authors approximately 2 weeks after the end of the month following submission.

l  If authors require an early decision to facilitate travel arrangements, we can accommodate requests for expedited review.

l  The submitted abstracts will be accepted after a blinded peer-review evaluation. During the peer-review process, the reviewers may request some necessary changes to the submitted abstract.




The submitted abstracts will be accepted after a blinded peer-review evaluation. During the peer-review process, the reviewers may request some necessary changes to the submitted abstract.



The abstract should be 250 words or less, excluding the title, authors, affiliations, keywords and ethical approval & funding statement.

l  Text should be single-spaced.

l  Do not indent paragraphs.

l  All abstracts must be submitted in the English language.

Your abstract should contain the following:

1.     Title of the abstract

2.     List the full names and surnames of all authors.

3.     The full address/affiliation details of all authors must be given: Department, University and/or Hospital, City, Country (in this order, the street address is not needed)

4.     The abstract should be structured under four sections: Objectives (briefly state the background and the purpose of the study), Methods (describe the methods used), Results (state the findings), and Conclusion (include the significance of the findings, please avoid such phrases as ‘the significance of the findings will be discussed’).

5.     Following the abstract, 3 to 5 keywords that are relevant to the study should be added in alphabetical order.

6.     References should not be included.

7.     Include an ethical approval and funding statement at the end of the abstract.

8.     It is important when describing experiments using living animals that any anaesthetic and surgical procedures are described, and if necessary, the way in which the animals were euthanised is described.

9.     Where abstracts refer to experiments on living human subjects, they must include a statement that the experiments were performed with the understanding and consent of the subject.

10.  Descriptions of research on human cadavers must describe the legal/ethical framework under which the work was performed. If no ethical approval was required, please add a statement to confirm this at the end of the abstract.

11.  Following submission, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that the abstract has been received. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact with the conference organizers at apica2025@vip.163.com. Your submitted abstract will then be considered by the scientific committee.

For your attention:

1.     Before clicking the submit button please ensure that you have addressed all aspects of the submission guidelines.

2.     File name: Please ensure the file you upload is a word document (*.docx). Also, the file should be named as follows: SmithAB_APICA2025_Abstract_Podium.docx or SmithAB_APICA2025_Abstract_Poster.docx or SmithAB_CSAS2025_Abstract_Either.docx. This helps categorise the abstracts quickly and facilitates review process.



Please note abstract submissions closed on 12:00pm Beijing time on 30 April 2025.

Abstracts will be reviewed at the end of each month to ensure you are able to make travel arrangements.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you to the conference.